Posts Tagged GMO

Day 8-Feeling Great!


One of the most important reasons I felt I needed to do this cleanse was the onset of brain foggyness. Inability to concentrate, feeling like the thoughts I had were not as clear as they could be and taking a long time to come to conclusions about things. Those are some of the things I was beginning to notice were happening more and more often. I didn’t notice it at first, it was a slow onset but that’s how it sneaks up on you. Small changes until you realize you’re in the midst of a full blown fog. I know all about brain fog and the symptoms, but it’s hard to notice sometimes when you’re in the thick of things and not thinking about yourself.

By cleaning up my diet alone brain fog would go away, but I wanted to add the detox to really help solidify making better choices more important again. It’s easy to fall off the wagon and fall into a rut. I think it’s just as important to remember we’re all human and nobody is perfect. I can’t eat perfect no matter what I do these days, nobody can. Our food supply has changed so far from what it was always supposed to be that I don’t think we can get it back. Our meat has been pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, our soil is depleted of nutrients due to lack of crop rotation, GMO’s run rampant in stores. There is always a choice on has to make when it comes to eating. Nobody is perfect, and it’s not about perfection. It’s about knowing what you’re consuming and making the best possible choice within your means. That’s what people forget when they “fall off the wagon” or slip up on their diet. We all make mistakes, but it’s striving to be better that will make all the difference in your health and future. Sometimes I think if we don’t make mistakes, go through feeling like crap every once in a while, we sometimes don’t remember that our foods make a HUGE impact on our health and how we feel each and every day.

Make your choices count! It’s also not about eating better, but eating with awareness. I was never a huge fan of the “finish your plate” mentality that I grew up with because it didn’t make sense back then and it doesn’t now. Don’t force feed yourself. Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full…which means you need to eat slowly so you can tell the difference! Taste your food, feel the texture of it and most importantly ENJOY it! One of the greatest things a patient can tell me after we’ve changed their diet is “I’m really having fun with this”. Be creative, make things taste good, try new things! Eating healthy is an exploration into yourself just as much as it is into food.

I am again grateful for all of the amazing support throughout this detox. People pushing me to do my best, keeping me in check, and asking so many questions! Only 5 days left people…. when will you make a change in your life?

If not now, when will I? -Incubus

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Dr. Thomas H. Kerr, D.C., P.C.

Chiropractic Physician in Charlotte, NC

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