Posts Tagged Tranquility Natural Medicine

5 Ways to boost your Immune System Naturally


    Now that fall is upon us, and the kids have gone back to school we all know what time it really is… let the cold and flu season begin! Most of us know someone who’s already been affected by the bugs that have been going around or have been affected ourselves. But what can we do to help boost our immune system and keep our defenses up so we can continue our day to day lives? Here are 5 simple ways to start boosting your immune function today and through the cold months. Keep in mind there’s no substitute for whole foods as a staple in your diet, as vegetables and fruits naturally in and of themselves support a healthy immune system.

1-Probiotics!   This is my number one for everyone coming into the season hands down. Why would you take a probiotic or even take more if you’re already taking one? Well, about 70% of your immune system comes from these good bacteria that out number our cells 10 to 1. Most of the time when you are sick/coming down with something you will also notice a change in your bowel habits-this is my tell tale sign to up the count and knock out whatever my body is fighting before I have many other symptoms that something is wrong. So, if you’re not taking a probiotic (ps have you been living under a rock? These do more than immune function people!!) start taking one as a preventative measure in the cold months. If you are taking one, switch it up perhaps or double down if you start to feel a little run down, or you’re working with a lot of people under the weather.


2-Make time for Teas  Whether you prefer green teas or herbals teas both can offer many benefits to your immune system. Teas traditionally pack a nice antioxidant punch allowing your immune system to function at it’s best. When you choose an herbal tea you’re actually getting a mild dose of herbal medicine that will allow boosting of the immune system that isn’t too harsh. It’s especially important for chest or sinus colds to do hot teas at the earliest onset as the hot water can help stimulate your first line of defense. Now a days they make specific herbal blends to boost immunity that have things such as echinacea, elderberry or flower, cinnamon, cloves and even ginger so there’s no doubt you can find one you like. For an added boost, stir in a small amount of local honey. Be careful that the tea isn’t boiling hot when you do this or you’ll kill off all those good immune supportive nutrients in the honey. A squeeze of lemon will help your detoxification processes as well.

3-Do some Mushrooms! Let’s get this straight- I’m talking about medicinal mushroom extracts, not the psychedelic ones. Mushrooms have one of the strongest immune systems on the planet, called mycelia, and there are good companies out there making capsules and tinctures of all the goodness these little babies have to offer. I love mushroom extracts for so many reasons, the most important is that they are immune MODULATING-not stimulating. So much of the “immune boosting” stuff out there stimulates the immune system, but mushrooms tonify your natural immunity. Mushroom extracts are rich in beta glucans that stimulate macrophages and natural killer cells and triterpenoids that decrease the inflammatory response all together! I prefer Host Defense Organic Mushroom Extracts because they have made specific blends for the immune system, they’re safe to take even with auto-immune diseases, and have even been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of certain Cancers. Seriously this is some of the best stuff on earth, and if you don’t know who Paul Stamets or Host Defense is, goole it now please. This guy holds patents on some of his mushrooms for things like protection against biological warfare!


4-Supplements We all know that some things are important for the immune system like Vitamin C and zinc, but did you know Vitamin C works better at cold/flu prevention than as a treatment?? Don’t wait, if you’re going to up your C do it before you come down with something. I’m a big fan of bumping up the Vitamin D intake in winter, because let’s face it…baby it’s cold outside (oh and the sun acts like it’s on vacation). Vitamin D is present in over 300 processes in the body, so it’s super important, and any time we are sick our body’s demand for D goes up. I always like to base Vitamin D dosing on individual blood results because some people need 10,000 IU’s daily in the summer even! 2,000 IU’s is usually a safe dose without blood testing for adults, but in the winter months 5,000 might be more beneficial to people. Again, to know your dose the best way is to get checked and go from there, optimal Vitamin D levels range between 60-80 for functional health so ask to see your results when your doctor proclaims “your normal”- you’ll be shocked to see even levels as low as 30 being called OK. Antioxidants are also one of the major immune supporters, and taking a mixture is best as each individual (A,C,E,Zinc,Selenium to name a few) does it’s own thing, and they work together to enhance each other.

5-Don’t skimp on Sleep It seems too simple to be honest, but making sure your sleep routine is sound does so much for your immune system. Think about it, when we start to get a cold we usually just want to curl up in our beds and sleep the day away. Your body is trying to repair and rebuild! When we sleep our brain can keep our major life functions going (breathing, heart beating ect) but it’s allowed to focus it’s efforts on rebuilding and repairing the damage- or fighting the good fight if you have an offender in your midst. Most people aren’t aware but even most of weight loss happens in your sleep-your body pulls stored goods from your fat cells to repair from the days damage…so if you’re not getting GOOD sleep you continue to suffer. 7-8 hours of good restful sleep each night can do you wonders, so shut off the TV, draw the blinds, get some ear plugs if necessary and I like to hide the numbers on the clock so that I can relax when it comes time for bed. Before retiring for the night might be the best time to enjoy a calming tea and set the mood for relaxation and rest. By keeping your stress in check, your immune system will be able to do it’s job at it’s best.


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Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Choices You Should Start Making Today!

Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I do Lab work



As a Doctor who believes in holistic medicine and a natural approach I still utilize diagnostic tools to asses the patients health and well being. Having a specific diagnosis doesn’t exactly change the course of what I would do with the patient, but without lab work it is hard to gauge progress… or know if you are addressing the ROOT cause of the issue. 

The problem with most doctors is they make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate drug for that condition. But what happens when the medication doesn’t work? Of course they up the dose or switch meds…. I say you never treated the cause to begin with. 

Without figuring and addressing the ROOT CAUSE of the condition or disease a person is experiencing all modern medicine, or natural medicine without diagnostic testing, is doing is putting a band-aid on the problem. 

It’s my goal to get to the root problem, and do as much as possible to fix that. Labs are an important part of what I do and guide how well natural therapies are working or not. Every body is different and responds to different things, so we can’t go off just symptoms alone to guide our treatments. Yes I want all of my patients to feel amazing, but if we are just putting another band-aid on the issue I am no better than a regular drug pushing doctor. That being said, natural medicine aims to FIX the problem… meaning you might not have to be on supplements or special dietary restrictions for life (depending on the issue and individual of course…catching that theme yet?) because if we FIX the problem, then the body goes back to optimal functioning as it was meant. 

I challenge all the patients of the world to ask their doctors why they have to be on their medications for life (cholesterol, High blood pressure just to name a few) if they actually fixed the problem. In short they don’t. The problem still exists, there are just no more warning signs coming from your body anymore. Everything your body does has a purpose and a function, it’s my job to make sure it’s all operating the best it can and guide you along that path.

Be well, and have a safe Labor Day!


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Probiotics can impact more than digestion!



What are Probiotics anyways?? They are the good bacteria living in your intestinal tract that make up about 70% of your immune system, produce serotonin that travels up to your brain, produce vitamin D when you go out into the sunshine without sun blocking agents, and aid in the digestion of your food. 

Some other fun facts:

Probiotic imbalances can cause depression, and cause you to become overweight. 

Probiotic populations get killed off when you take Antibiotics, even natural ones like oregano oil! 

There are 10 TRILLION probiotics in your gut ( or there SHOULD be) and only 1 trillion cells of you in your entire body… The majority rules! 

“I get my probiotics from my yogurt” – Not so much… the sugar in the majority of commercially produced (not to mention the chemicals) feeds the bad bacteria in your body and can throw off your balance!

Proper populations of probiotic strains are anti-inflammatory!

Here are just a few signs your good bacteria aren’t in the right numbers or are losing the war against bad bacteria in your body: Fatigue, constipation, allergies, auto-immune disorders, diarrhea, gas, burping,bloating, feeling full hours after eating, depression, weight gain, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies, chronic disease, inflammation (aka are you in pain?)… the list could go on for days!

It’s easy to get back in balance by supplementing with the right good bacteria and consuming the right foods to keep your populations alive- the health of  your body depends on these little guys for 70%+ of your immune response remember! By keeping your numbers up your body is prepared to fight off infection and colds much easier than a body that has little or no supply.  

Please call 630-762-9864 to schedule an appointment with Dr.Kalli or a FREE 15 minute consultation TODAY to learn how easy it can be to get back into good health and well being. 


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Tranquility Natural Medicine: Inspiring dietary changes daily! Call 630-762-9864 and schedule a FREE 15 minute consult or appointment today!


We are what we eat… yes this is a theme I will continue to repeat until I am blue in the face! The fuel we provide our bodies on a daily basis has a PURPOSE … and it’s not all about taste. The great thing about our bodies is that when supplied with the proper nutrients, they begin to function better and begin to health themselves. Yep. You were made to last, now let’s start eating like it!

We can all do things to improve on our daily intake of foods and beverages. Small steps are the key to making lasting changes in your LIFE. It’s time we EAT TO LIVE, not live to eat. I want everyone to be able to look back on their life in retirement and be happy they made small changes that have made it so they are living a happy, healthy life. LIVING is about Doing and Moving and Balance.

There is NO ONE PERFECT DIET or Exercise program out there, sorry, if it were that easy we’d all do it right?! It can be frustrating after years of experimenting with every diet/exercise/supplement fad or the newest “Dr.Oz Miracle” to find what works best for you. Let me take some of the frustration out of the process, and let’s work together on making small positive REALISTIC changes you can stick with to become a healthier you!

Small changes to make today:

Drink a full glass of filtered water first thing in the morning!

Swap your soda for water or Green Tea and stevia

Double up on veggies- eat twice as many veggies during your dinner or lunch today

Try something new: your taste buds change every 2 weeks!! You never know what you’re missing out on!

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Learn how making small changes can have a HUGE impact on your health and well being by calling 630-762-9864 and scheduling an appointment with Dr.Kalli today!

Learn how making small changes can have a HUGE impact on your health and well being by calling 630-762-9864 and scheduling an appointment with Dr.Kalli today!

Being gluten free isn’t always about being diagnosed as celiac, or even gluten sensitive. I have never been formally tested for either condition, but have been proudly gluten free for 3 years now. It is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. I do it because to put it frankly, when I consume gluten I feel like crap-all around. Being gluten free to me is more about being anti-inflammatory. Inflammation causes so many preventable conditions that if we learn to limit or eliminate our consumption of gluten containing grains we can take back a huge chunk of our health and well being. The greatest part of my job is helping people realize they have a MAJOR choice in how they feel and their overall health just by choosing what foods they eat. I’m here to make the changes in lifestyle manageable and realistic for you, because nobody wants to hear “you can’t eat that anymore” I’ll be here to tell you all the amazing things you CAN enjoy- it’s a longer list than you think. Make the first steps towards reclaiming your health and call today. 


Dr. K

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Change the way you think about your health, Call 630-762-9864 and schedule a free consultation with Dr.Kalli



I am not your typical doctor, plain and simple. I care that you make the years you have on the earth the best and most healthy years possible. We all need to get back to the basics of health and wellness, and that starts with looking at how much we move and what fuel we are providing our body to function. The best part about this is… everyone is different, and you DO NOT have to eat boring tasteless food! There is no one right way to be healthy, and everyone deserves to be treated as an individual. So let’s all change the way we think about our health, and start trying to prevent major illness and disease so that we can enjoy our retirement years instead of spend them taking medications and being ill.  

Be happy, Be healthy and Be well,

~Dr. Kalli

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Personalized Health Care at Tranquility Natural Medicine


Are you tired of feeling like your just a number to your doctor? Are you sick of being put on another drug that will mask your symptoms, but not address the cause of your ailments? Does your doctor LISTEN to you?? Or are you one of the many people who bought into a failed “health care system”. It’s time to take back your health. It’s time to learn how to be healthy and take care of yourself. Dr. Kalli Prater is dedicated about making your health yours again. With a focus on lifestyle and dietary changes Dr. Kalli offers the alternative to your regular physician. As a Holistic health practitioner, it is not only important to look at you as an ENTIRE being, but also to personalize your care to YOU. It’s how things should be done. Modern medical treatments are given based on the “average” american ( who came up with that idea) and not YOU as an individual.

Please call 630-762-9864 to schedule an appointment or request a FREE 15 minute consultation with Dr. Kalli and learn what we can start doing to get you back to health, because you shouldn’t have to suffer any longer. 

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You don’t get Cancer overnight…



It’s true, you don’t just wake up one morning with Cancer. You also don’t wake up one morning and “out of the blue” gain 20+ pounds, have arthritis, diabetes type 2, leaky gut syndrome… and the list goes on. These conditions take months, years, even decades to develop to the point where you are aware of the signs and symptoms. But how did you develop these things? We do something small each day that effects how our body functions for the rest of our lives… and that is eating, exercising and drinking water. You become what you eat, literally. Your cells use your food to run the show- ie provide you with energy, keep your blood pumping, and yes, help you to think. It is important now more than ever to consume REAL foods and not packaged “goods”. Rule of thumb- if it has an expiration date years away, came in a box or can, didn’t walk/swim/fly or grow on this earth… it isn’t really food. Yes friends, that means even cheese (sigh I still have a love for it) isn’t food- it’s a product. Someone had to produce it. We need to limit our consumption of products and eat real foods again… or as your grandma would have known it as just plain food. Clean up your daily food intake and a shocking amount of your symptoms can go away. We need to support each other in making good choices every single day as we help each other prevent chronic disease effects and live fuller, happier, healthier lives for the future. 

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You are what you eat… and drink


You are what you eat… yup it really is that simple. Eating includes drinking in this case as well… so drop the sugary pro-inflammatory (aka pro-disease) drinks too please. Most people have the hardest time changing their diet. Note I didn’t say “going on a diet”. Healthy eating is a way of life… not something you do for a short period of time. Food is the fuel for our bodies. We need to stop and take a minute and examine what we are fueling up with and think about the effects what we consume will have down the road. When you know and realize that you are either feeding your body for proper function, or feeding disease processes, it isn’t as hard to make the right choices. It comes down to caring about yourself and making a conscience decision to be healthier. I’m not saying you have to be perfect, nobody is and you can’t be too hard on yourself when you make “less than desirable” choices, but at least make it a conscience one.

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Chiropractic Physician in Charlotte, NC

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