
Tranquility Natural Medicine 113 N. Second Ave. St. Charles, IL 60174 Call to make an appointment with Dr. Kalli Today!!! (630) 762-9864

Homepage: https://drkalliprater.wordpress.com

Engaging New Voices… Speaking Up for Those Who Can’t Yet


     April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year’s theme is engaging new voices to change the culture. I read the above poster this month, and decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world.  There are too many women, and men for that matter, who suffer in silence and it has to stop. We all need to be more aware, we need to listen and believe those willing to share with us their stories, and truly that’s all some of us need…just to be heard and believed. 
     This is the most personal blog post I think to date I have ever written, and a lot of debating went into this.  I am going to share with you what I remember going through after, and daily because of what happened to me.  I am writing this post because most people do not know this about me. I don’t share that information often because it does not define me, but it is a part of who I am today. I am writing this for everyone I know who has not spoken up about their own assaults. I want anyone and everyone who I know, and so many I don’t, to know that they are not alone. This experience does not define YOU. You are greater than this, and you can overcome anything.  I believe you…

It has been 7 years…

It’s shocking to realize it’s been 7 years since my own assault this year, it certainly doesn’t seem that long ago.  And then there are days is seems like it has been so much longer. I have come so far since then. It happened on a Saturday in May, near the beginning of my third trimester in grad school. My roommates knew something was wrong when I came home, but I couldn’t say anything to them, I didn’t have words. I did everything you’re not supposed to do…I wanted to wash away everything that had happened to me. I showered before telling anyone…put my clothes in the wash… and had it not been for the bleeding that wouldn’t stop I don’t actually know if I would have said anything to anyone at all. My initial plan was to never say anything to anyone about thisbecause how can people not look at you differently once they knew? 


As a student in school to be a doctor, I tried to give myself an honest evaluation the next day when I finally started to have some feeling back into my body… to date the only way I can describe my initial reaction and feelings were numbness. I didn’t feel connected to my body for an exceptional period of time following as well, and I can’t pinpoint when that started to change for me either. I was having bleeding that wouldn’t stop, which terrified me, so I finally broke down and told a “friend”. This friend did insist I go to the ER, and she came to take me there and sat with me through the entire experience. This would eventually lead to the ending of our friendship – but lord I didn’t see it coming. Despite me doing all the wrong things, in the ER a kit was still performed, and I was informed because the event took place in the vicinity of the city, it was highly unlikely anything could or would be done about the event and my perpetrators. Hearing this was basically like getting kicked in the chest. I was informed about the laceration, given antibiotics, given the morning after pill, and told they would call with my impending HIV test results. Again, there aren’t words to describe how scary it is to be waiting for something that could change the course of your life just after something already had changed the course of my life.  A counselor from a crisis center did come, and she gave me contact numbers to centers in my area, and materials to read and give to people who I needed to tell…IMG_1831.JPG

Telling my roommates- this is still a bit of a blur, along with most of that semester- god knows how I made it through without failing. The two girls, now amazing women, that I lived with were some of the best support I could have asked for. They gave me space and time, comforted me in their own ways, but most importantly listened to me, and believed me, and didn’t treat me any differently after I told them. They didn’t look at me different, or treat me like I was going to break at any moment. For me, this meant the world. They supported me when I went to tell people in my family, and when I decided there were people in my family I could not tell.  They welcomed in my lifelong best friend who came to stay for- I’m not actually sure how long, long enough to come with me and hold my hand while I got my lotus tattoo.  At some point after the event I had made a conscious decision- I would not let this define me or conquer me. I would rise above this, every day, and be a better person. It was a choice, and I remember how easily I could see myself never getting out of my bed again, never having social interaction, never making it back to Me.


The people who got it wrong…

As I stated before, the “friend” who took me to the ER eventually became someone I was tolerant of. It started off slow, we had sat next to each other in our classes every day and slowly she distanced herself to the other side of the room. I sat alone for a while, which didn’t help me focus more on my classes. I confronted her about her distance a few weeks into it, because at this point I felt mostly alone in life, and I’ll never forget what she said to me. “I can’t look at you the same anymore. It’s just too hard for me to be around you, after going through all that in the ER with you and hearing about what happened. It just hurts me too much to be around you”.  Daggers. in. my. heart. This was the one person I trusted and confided in about that night.  The event didn’t happen to her- it happened to me, and She couldn’t deal with it…  Years later I found out she told two other people I had not been friends at the time about MY assault, with MY name, over a “girls dinner”. I went to school with these people, and one eventually became my best friend, but this girl had no right to tell people with my personal information about my assault- I was violated all over. She later said she needed to confide in other friends because she was having such a hard time coping with it.

There were family members who got it wrong too… I was asked “why were you in a situation like that” and “What were you thinking being out alone?” I am a compassionate person, and knew the person asking me these questions was worried about me and didn’t know what to ask. These questions are part of the problem with this issue- the blame was placed on me not protecting myself from my attackers, not on those who attacked me. “How did this even happen. You’re smarter than this“…again…words cut deep and I already felt like this was MY fault as is. Some of these people asked for details and specifics even. I knew the person asking didn’t mean to blame me for this situation, but off the cuff that’s what you hear.  It wasn’t my fault, and it wasn’t a fair fight. I was targeted…it wasn’t me…this is hard enough to process.

The people who got it right…

Thankfully in my life, there were more people who got it right. My roommates, soul sisters and greatest set of ladies I could have asked to live with. At one point one of the girls approached me, asked me to talk to someone and get more help. She loved me, respected me, and knew I was depressed and becoming secluded in my silence. Thank you for standing up and voicing your concern for my well being, you loved me enough to say something which isn’t easy, and I cannot thank you enough for that.  After losing my “friend” from this event, I quickly became friends with a woman whom I called my wife for the rest of our time at school. I never told her my story, to me she was a fresh start, someone who didn’t know and wouldn’t look at me like damaged goods because of this. Little did I know my wife was one of the girls who was told at the girls dinner about my story. For the better part of 2 years I had no idea she knew, there were no hints and no questions, nothing ever. She was the one who let me know my previous friend had openly discussed my private life with mixed company at that dinner. I was shocked she had known. She told me that she couldn’t believe someone would treat me that way, and although she knew she felt it was important that if I wanted to tell her about it, I would, when I was ready. The love and respect I have for this woman is immeasurable. My brother, who has been a rock worth of support my entire adult life, only asked if I was alright, and wished he could take away the pain I was in. My best friend, sister from another mister, basically came just to hold my hand and support and love me no matter what. She has the unfair advantage of being a social worker and could basically calm me down in my hottest of hot moments, and lift me up from the darkest. I am the strong woman I am today because of the love and support you have given me, unconditionally. 

I am Not a Victim, I am a Survivor…

I wake up every morning knowing I have had worse days. I am grateful for the amazing people in my life who have helped me to get to where I am, and be the person I am today.  I am NOT a victim. I look at my wrist every day, and realize I am stronger than the people who have tried to hurt me, push me down and make me fail. I haven’t failed, I’ve only become stronger. I graduated, and I became a doctor. Not only that, but because of my experiences and my training I specialize in women’s health. Learning how I could have been treated post assault had I gone to a traditional OB/GYN shaped the doctor I am today. To learn that most women who experience pelvic and or chronic pain have been assaulted at some point…well I’ve been there too. I wake up every day and know that I am not alone, so many others have been through worse than I went through, and I am lucky to be alive. Some days are harder than others, but every day is a new day and a fresh start. I am stronger than the events that have happened to me, they do not define me nor should they define you.  For those in my life who listened when I felt comfortable enough to talk, thank you for believing me. To anyone who needs to talk, I am here to listen, support you and help.  I have always remembered a staggering fact from my freshman year of college…1 in 4. 1 in 4 women you know has been assaulted. Think of how many women you know, and think of that statistic for a minute. You never think you’d know that person, but you know more of them than you think. IMG_1852.PNG

I believe those who have remained silent. I encourage everyone to find someone to talk to, seek out the professional help that is so necessary to help yourself overcome what has happened.  You are not alone. 

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Thyroid Awareness Month! Part 2


     January is Thyroid Awareness Month and as I see more patients for consultations in my office, I am again not shocked at all the thyroid issues I see. Too many people are not being managed properly or being taken seriously by their GP or Endocrinologist when the continue to complain of thyroid symptoms despite “their labs looking perfect”…again to review what your lab values should reflect and what tests should be done reference Part 1 of Thyroid Awareness Month!

For those who have suffered for years without the proper nutritional and supplementation support, this is the article for you. Many times traditional medical doctors do not have the nutritional background to address these issues- that’s where I come in. In this article we will review some of the possible medications (there’s a time and place for everything including Medication!!), Dietary considerations for those suffering from Thyroid conditions, especially Auto-immune attacks, and lastly supplementation that effects the metabolism of your thyroid and possible medications you are on.


The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly…

For those of you who have had your thyroid removed…sadly medication is probably in store for you for life, but you CAN feel normal…and should for that matter, if you’re on the right medication and dosage! Too many women are on medications that are either not working properly (ie still have symptoms or not optimal labs) or are not on the right dose for their body’s metabolism. Mediation dosing for thyroid patients can be tricky, and can take a while to normalize because of all the other factors involved! If you don’t feel good on the medication you’re on…go back to your doctor and tell them so! This is one instance you have to be a HUGE advocate for your own well-being. (To see a great resource on things to ask your doctor ect, visit http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com)

The Good: Bio-identical and Natural Thyroid preparations! Armour, Nature-Thyroid and compounded natural desiccated thyroid preparations are actually the best option for most people and they don’t even know it! This is mainly due to the fact that so few doctors are willing to prescribe them, as they are not chock full of pharmaceutical preparations. These medications are a natural balance of T3 and T4 that is already found in your body. Doctors may tell you these are “hard to regulate” or “banned” and these statements are simply not true.

The Not so Good: T4 Only medications (see list above, Synthroid and it’s generics) The problem with these drugs is for one, they are synthetic compounds…your body and mine can’t always manage such synthetic products. Synthroid is the most commonly prescribed medication in the United States…and I have huge issues with that. Many people get put on this medications and still feel like crap…new’s flash your body isn’t metabolizing it!! Your body doesn’t just need T4 to make T3, it requires a whole list of other vitamins and minerals (we’re getting there don’t worry). My other beefs with Synthroid include the fact that they use Aluminium based food coloring (lake blue ect) in most if not all strengths of the medication, it is CONTRAINDIACTED to help with weight loss despite many patients reporting that is WHY they were put on it in the first place, it can cause further adrenal glad issues if this is the underlying cause of hypothyroidism itself, it causes bone de-mineralization (aka bone loss, aka osteoporosis-but wait they now make a drug for that too!), increases risk of cardiovascular disease, and are hard on the liver where a majority of the drug is processed. The laundry list of side effects and drug interactions is enough to make someone re-think this form of medication all together, but they don’t exactly provide all that info up front (http://www.rxabbvie.com/pdf/Synthroid.pdf). Many women with thyroid disorders become anemic, and develop high cholesterol, I’m not going to lie and say there’s no correlation between these meds and those issues.

T3 only medications: Cytomel is often used in conjunction with Synthroid if the patient isn’t “feeling well enough” on the Synthroid, so let’s artificially create what we already have, because we can do things better than nature (Hing Natural thyroid meds are already T4 and T3 in proper ratios). The side effects are similar, and basically the drug information states “once you begin this therapy, you’re on it for life as the rule”… sounds like good business for them in the long run. Much like T4 only synthetics, the “efficacy” is measured by TSH in the blood…not by how the patient feels, but what their one and only blood test says, which if you read Part 1 you know is total crap. If your body can’t metabolize this because say the liver is bogged down by Synthroid or because it’s synthetic and your body probably isn’t using it the way the lab intended…if your blood looks good then “you’re fine”.


Dietary Considerations

For those of you who are Hashimoto’s (remember it’s the leading cause for hypothyroidism and you SHOULD be tested for this) you need to look into treating your autoimmune disease(s) through diet. You need to cut out the foods feeding autoimmune disease, and too many people respond to the Autoimmune Paleo diet it can’t be ignored. If you’re not willing to go to this “extreme” then you should at least be tested for food allergies and sensitivities, as these feed your illness. Your immune system lives in your GUTs, so you need to heal these up if you want your body to heal as well.

Many foods contributing to autoimmune thyroid attacks include (but your doctor didn’t mention this) : Gluten and Soy. Not only do these foods contribute to autoimmune diseases, but they in fact help to shut down your poor functioning thyroid. Other foods that do this include RAW spinach, cabbage, broccoli and kale… rethink those green smoothies people!! If you’ve got an autoimmune issue, even cooking these veggies for a few minutes changes the game, because the enzymes change.

The following is a great easy to read website about Autoimmune Paleo http://aiplifestyle.com/what-is-autoimmune-protocol-diet/ or google AIP for more information. There are so many knowledgeable people out there now posting recipes and hosting blogs, you’re not alone, other’s have done these things and their quality of life has dramatically changed because of it!!


Supplementation Considerations

Iodine: Iodine is needed and necessary for proper thyroid hormone metabolism. Iodine deficiency can actually trigger hypothyroidism in the first place. Research has shown a more therapeutic dose between 10-50 mg is needed in those battling hypothyroidism, the RDA for iodine is only 150 mcg, which won’t get you where you need to go. This is where working with the right natural holistic physician comes in.

Vitamin D3: Yup, it’s really a hormone in your body, and as hormone production goes Vitamin D is needed to optimize hormone production throughout the body including your thyroid. Remember optimal blood levels range between 60-80 so getting this tested is crucial in the outcome of natural support.

Selenium: This is a crucial mineral that regulates T3 production, and many of us aren’t getting enough. Brazil nuts are a great food source, and you can get what’s needed by just 5-6 in a day if you wish to avoid swallowing another pill.

Zinc, Copper and Iron: These metals are needed in trace amounts for your healthy thyroid function. Low levels of zinc have been linked to low levels of TSH, whereas iron deficiency has been linked to decreased thyroid efficiency. Copper is also necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. It’s important for these to have good stomach acid production, so if you take any kind of antacid/suffer from GERD you’re at a higher risk of deficiency in these crucial minerals!

Omega-3 Fats: These essential fats, which are found in fish or fish oil, play an important role in thyroid function, and many help your cells become sensitive to thyroid hormone. I supplement patients only with Triglyceride forms of fish oil which is the most bio-available form!

Antioxidants and B Vitamins: The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E can help your body neutralize oxidative stress that may damage the thyroid. In addition, B vitamins help to manufacture thyroid hormone and play an important role in healthy thyroid function.

L-Tyrosine: This is an Amino Acid (found in protein sources and in supplements) which is crucial for thyroid hormone conversion as well. If you’re not getting good sources of protein in higher amounts, you may consider supplementing with this amino acid.

Adrenal Support: I think it’s important to keep in mind, if your thyroid isn’t functioning well, your adrenal glands try to step in an attempt to improve thyroid function. The bad part of this, so many have gone on so long without a proper diagnosis that these glands are not functioning to their optimum levels as well. Herbs such as ashwaghanda, rhodiola, and holy basil may be supportive enough. For other’s, glandular supplementation is needed to help re-start your system. B vitamins support the adrenal glands as well so they serve double duty here.

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Thyroid Awareness Month! Part 1


January is National Thyroid Awareness Month! This is such a huge issue today and so many women (and men) go though life with thyroid problems and are never diagnosed, not properly diagnosed, or not properly managed based on their individual diagnosis!  A vast majority of my practice has ended up revolving around Thyroid disorders, and I’ve seen too many patients in practice who have not been diagnosed because their doctor isn’t running the right labs, or doesn’t know functional Thyroid values. Most of the time people get diagnosed years after there has been an issue because “your labs look fine”.  I want to break the silence on this issue and help inform people that aside from traditional medical intervention (totally necessary for some cases) there are more natural and alternative supportive options!  In this article we will touch on common thyroid conditions, lab testing the Functional Medicine way. Please stay tuned for Part 2 where we will discuss: Natural Medicine support for the thyroid and dietary considerations.


High or Low- the basic breakdown 

1- Hypothyroidism: The more common of the two disorders. The most common cause of “under active” or sluggish thyroid function is actually an Autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Common symptoms of low functioning thyroid (whatever the cause) are: weight gain/inability to lose weight, fatigue, muscle ache, horse voice, brain fog, neck enlargement (goiter), infertility… there are actually an astounding number of symptoms that relate to this which is why diagnosis this disorder can be complicated (if you’re doctor isn’t paying any attention to you and putting all your info together!)  Click the graphic below for the long list of symptoms, and ask yourself how many times a day/week you feel these:


2- Hyperthyroidism: The most common cause of “over active” thyroid disorders is actually an Autoimmune disorder called Graves Disease. In this condition there in an increased synthesis and release of thyroid hormones. Sings and symptoms include: excessive weight loss, bone loss, cardiac abnormalities, psychiatric disorders, nervousness, weakness, fatigue, restlessness, and protruding eyes. If left untreated this condition can lead to burn out of the thyroid resulting in hypothyroidism…because who doesn’t love the roller coaster that is hormone production!!

Lab Tests (What did your doctor miss?!) 

  • TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, this comes from the pituitary and tells your body to convert T4 to T3, the usable form of Thyroid hormone for the body. Functional Range ( 1.3-2.0) What your doctor may tell you is normal: 0.4-4.5 (depending on the lab). Most Doctors think by only checking TSH they are checking your thyroid function- they’re VERY wrong as this is only one aspect.
    • Many times the other lab values will be off with a NORMAL TSH level which is why so many people walk around undiagnosed!
  • Free T3: This is the heavy hitter. Free T3 is the hormone doing all the work in your body. Note this isn’t total T3, which includes T3 that is bound to protein or inactive and unusable!  Functional Range (3-4) What your doctor may tell you is normal: 2.3- 4.2 (depending on the lab).
  • Free T4: This is the hormone that is converted into T3 or otherwise activated. Sometimes the body has plenty of Free (usable) T4 but cannot convert it into T3 which is why it is SO important to know all these values. Functional Range (1-1.5)  What your doctor may tell you is normal: .0.8-1.8 (depending on the lab).
  • TPO antibodies and TG antibodies: These are the two gems almost ALWAYS left off of the lab order…these are the tests that indicate whether or not you’re having an autoimmune response to your thyroid (remember autoimmune disease is the leading cause of both hypo and hyperthyroidism!!) Why isn’t your doctor checking for this?! Most doctors don’t check for the antibodies to your thyroid because it doesn’t change THEIR treatment protocols- either way your medication is what it is. This is a VITAL piece of information as a natural practitioner, as it can drastically change my recommended support and dietary plans for the individual. These should NOT register in a normal healthy functioning thyroid. 
  • D3-25 OH: You got it folks, your Vitamin D3 should also be assess if you think you have a thyroid issue. Why? In our bodies D3 isn’t a vitamin- it acts like a hormone. D3 is essential to the formation of proper hormone production and if D3 is low, you can bet your thyroid isn’t working as well as it could! Functional Range 60-80! Your doctor will tell you between 30-100 is normal, but keep in mind D is in over 300 processes in your body. Also, knowing your level helps natural medicine folk and Functional Med doc’s get you the right dose of D3 (not D2! Mega dosing prescription D2 is hard on the liver and causes more damage than good)

At Tranquility Spa and Wellness Center Dr. Kalli Prater is able to do physical examinations, run lab tests, assess your thyroid health, and address the underlying cause of your dysfunction and health concerns. Dr. Kalli cannot prescribe medications but will work with your prescribing physician. Heal from Within at Tranquility. Now Accepting New Patients!! Visit us at http://www.relaxattranquility.com or schedule a Complimentary 30 Minute Natural Medicine Consultation with Dr. Kalli to discuss your personal needs and get started on a personalized path to wellness today!




Nutritional Medicine by Alan R. Gaby, M.D. : http://www.doctorgaby.com/

The Textbook of Natural Medicine By Pizzorno and Michael Murry: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14610275-textbook-of-natural-medicine

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I haven’t gotten sick this season…


Copycat (sick)

To say that this cold and flu season has been a brutal one is an understatement.  Almost everyone around me has come down with something be it patient’s or co-workers. And it seems like we’re not talking about run of the mill bugs that have been going around, we’re talking people are getting hit hard for 2-3 weeks at a time, recovering just to have something else bombard their system two days later. I’ve had patient’s with diagnosed Flu come in for treatment, and here I stand…no signs of ill health and more energy than I’ve had in a while… and I have to ask myself WHY. Below I explore the reasons why I have managed, through massive exposure, to remain in good health through one of the nastiest cold/flu seasons I’ve seen.


Theory 1- My immune system is a killing MACHINE

     I myself don’t even buy this! I have a long history of a weak immune system including having a nasty case of chicken pox as a 6 year old, and having an unknown virus that kept me bed-ridden for the better part of 3 months in middle school. I wasn’t breast fed as a child which I believe has contributed to the marked difference in my immune health compared to my brothers (first born, breast fed…basic golden child stuff). I had a bad viral infection as an infant that only allowed my parents to give me 2 ounces of fluid at a time each hour! No, I don’t think my base line immune function is the best, it could be worse, and I think I’ve done lots to help build this up by removing food sensitivities and eating better…but we’ll get to that later.


Theory 2- All those immunized against the flu are keeping me safe

     I giggle as I even ponder this theory. The CDC has finally come out this year and admitted that their vaccine was pretty close to useless for this seasons predominant strain, but they think you should still partake anyways. 1-I have never gotten a flu vaccine and am 99.9% sure I won’t (never say never right?) and 2-the CDC has continually admitted that “this year’s vaccine isn’t as effective as last years” year after year… so if it wasn’t effective 2 years ago, and then less so the next and so on…see my point? The risk to me is not worth it, plane and simple.


Theory 3- Many small changes are working together

     This is the theory I’m going with at this point. Like almost any condition/disease/illness whatever you want to call it, there are so many factors to consider that one solution isn’t always the best answer. Your body is a network of systems working together, and thus strengthening the whole system should benefit me overall in good health.

I drink plenty of water daily, minimum of half my weight in ounces. This allows my body to flush out toxic substances and waste that if allowed to stay in my system could cause problems. I eat fairly healthy. Note that I didn’t say “I’m a doctor and I eat perfect”-isn’t going to happen people get real! In reality, I eat good 85% of the time. By eating good I mean staying away from food sensitivities, eating more veggies and super foods, lean proteins and limiting my sugar. Now…over the holidays I didn’t follow my own rules…I ate gluten (pause for gasp and shock) and a boat load of sugar…and I didn’t beat myself up about it either! I enjoyed things here and there, and my body hated me for like a day or two after…but overall limited tummy disturbances were noticed and again…not sick. A small amount of sugar and lower your immune system for hours!! I did however remain on my supplement routine- one of the factors I’m most impressed with. I’m only taking a multivitamin, Comprehensive Immune Support mushroom extract blend from Host defense, and 30mg of Iodine with L-tyrosine. Yep, that’s it for daily intake. When needed I take massive doses of D3, herbs like holy basil, and probiotics, but for the most part those have been left out this season. Do I think these alone are the reason I’ve been in good health? Certainly not, but I believe the immune tonification via the mushrooms and the increased immune support, detoxification and hormone production supported by Iodine has contributed greatly. These are two big things I haven’t done in the past.  I’ve been using essential oils more each day. The power of oils has blown me away by using them in treatments with my patients, but recently have been using more oils for my everyday needs and have seen some skin conditions heal fast! Other small things- I do a nasal wash once a week with oregano oil and other herbs to keep my passages moist and free of debris, and did I mention I drink a crap ton of water?? Add in acupuncture and adjustments and I’ve got a pretty well rounded support system.

To put things into perspective, as we look at the new year and making resolutions ( I prefer setting goals for success) the small stuff makes a HUGE difference. Making one small change a day, or even per week, can truly impact your health. No gym nut started with 5-6 days a week when they began, it’s better to do one day a week, bump it to two and move toward a bigger goal. If you’re not used to taking supplements start with one at a time. Get used to doing something on a regular basis and build upon it. Setting yourself up for success means being realistic with yourself and starting where you can. I think one of my DABCI instructors said it best, “It doesn’t matter where you start, just start somewhere”.

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5 Ways to boost your Immune System Naturally


    Now that fall is upon us, and the kids have gone back to school we all know what time it really is… let the cold and flu season begin! Most of us know someone who’s already been affected by the bugs that have been going around or have been affected ourselves. But what can we do to help boost our immune system and keep our defenses up so we can continue our day to day lives? Here are 5 simple ways to start boosting your immune function today and through the cold months. Keep in mind there’s no substitute for whole foods as a staple in your diet, as vegetables and fruits naturally in and of themselves support a healthy immune system.

1-Probiotics!   This is my number one for everyone coming into the season hands down. Why would you take a probiotic or even take more if you’re already taking one? Well, about 70% of your immune system comes from these good bacteria that out number our cells 10 to 1. Most of the time when you are sick/coming down with something you will also notice a change in your bowel habits-this is my tell tale sign to up the count and knock out whatever my body is fighting before I have many other symptoms that something is wrong. So, if you’re not taking a probiotic (ps have you been living under a rock? These do more than immune function people!!) start taking one as a preventative measure in the cold months. If you are taking one, switch it up perhaps or double down if you start to feel a little run down, or you’re working with a lot of people under the weather.


2-Make time for Teas  Whether you prefer green teas or herbals teas both can offer many benefits to your immune system. Teas traditionally pack a nice antioxidant punch allowing your immune system to function at it’s best. When you choose an herbal tea you’re actually getting a mild dose of herbal medicine that will allow boosting of the immune system that isn’t too harsh. It’s especially important for chest or sinus colds to do hot teas at the earliest onset as the hot water can help stimulate your first line of defense. Now a days they make specific herbal blends to boost immunity that have things such as echinacea, elderberry or flower, cinnamon, cloves and even ginger so there’s no doubt you can find one you like. For an added boost, stir in a small amount of local honey. Be careful that the tea isn’t boiling hot when you do this or you’ll kill off all those good immune supportive nutrients in the honey. A squeeze of lemon will help your detoxification processes as well.

3-Do some Mushrooms! Let’s get this straight- I’m talking about medicinal mushroom extracts, not the psychedelic ones. Mushrooms have one of the strongest immune systems on the planet, called mycelia, and there are good companies out there making capsules and tinctures of all the goodness these little babies have to offer. I love mushroom extracts for so many reasons, the most important is that they are immune MODULATING-not stimulating. So much of the “immune boosting” stuff out there stimulates the immune system, but mushrooms tonify your natural immunity. Mushroom extracts are rich in beta glucans that stimulate macrophages and natural killer cells and triterpenoids that decrease the inflammatory response all together! I prefer Host Defense Organic Mushroom Extracts because they have made specific blends for the immune system, they’re safe to take even with auto-immune diseases, and have even been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of certain Cancers. Seriously this is some of the best stuff on earth, and if you don’t know who Paul Stamets or Host Defense is, goole it now please. This guy holds patents on some of his mushrooms for things like protection against biological warfare!


4-Supplements We all know that some things are important for the immune system like Vitamin C and zinc, but did you know Vitamin C works better at cold/flu prevention than as a treatment?? Don’t wait, if you’re going to up your C do it before you come down with something. I’m a big fan of bumping up the Vitamin D intake in winter, because let’s face it…baby it’s cold outside (oh and the sun acts like it’s on vacation). Vitamin D is present in over 300 processes in the body, so it’s super important, and any time we are sick our body’s demand for D goes up. I always like to base Vitamin D dosing on individual blood results because some people need 10,000 IU’s daily in the summer even! 2,000 IU’s is usually a safe dose without blood testing for adults, but in the winter months 5,000 might be more beneficial to people. Again, to know your dose the best way is to get checked and go from there, optimal Vitamin D levels range between 60-80 for functional health so ask to see your results when your doctor proclaims “your normal”- you’ll be shocked to see even levels as low as 30 being called OK. Antioxidants are also one of the major immune supporters, and taking a mixture is best as each individual (A,C,E,Zinc,Selenium to name a few) does it’s own thing, and they work together to enhance each other.

5-Don’t skimp on Sleep It seems too simple to be honest, but making sure your sleep routine is sound does so much for your immune system. Think about it, when we start to get a cold we usually just want to curl up in our beds and sleep the day away. Your body is trying to repair and rebuild! When we sleep our brain can keep our major life functions going (breathing, heart beating ect) but it’s allowed to focus it’s efforts on rebuilding and repairing the damage- or fighting the good fight if you have an offender in your midst. Most people aren’t aware but even most of weight loss happens in your sleep-your body pulls stored goods from your fat cells to repair from the days damage…so if you’re not getting GOOD sleep you continue to suffer. 7-8 hours of good restful sleep each night can do you wonders, so shut off the TV, draw the blinds, get some ear plugs if necessary and I like to hide the numbers on the clock so that I can relax when it comes time for bed. Before retiring for the night might be the best time to enjoy a calming tea and set the mood for relaxation and rest. By keeping your stress in check, your immune system will be able to do it’s job at it’s best.


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Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Choices You Should Start Making Today!

Read the rest of this entry »

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Functional Foods: Fermented Foods

fermentedveggiesAs a holistic physician I am all about functional foods. A functional food is a food that has added benefits to your body’s function including disease prevention and health promotion. Functional foods are a great way to boost your health and wellness naturally. Most people think foods fortified with nutrients are included in this definition, but I don’t agree. Sure milk these days is fortified with vitamins… but that doesn’t make those nutrients absorbable in your body for use. Too many foods like cereals and grains are fortified with vitamins as well…which begs the question “What did processing raw living ingredients strip out of the plant?”.

Fermented foods are an amazing addition to your diet for multiple reasons.

1- It’s a functional food that adds it’s own natural probiotics and enzymes to your body! Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your gut. There are supposed to be around 10 TRILLION good bacteria in your gut.. and guess what… there is only 1 trillion cells of YOU in your own body. Adding good bacteria to your body promotes proper digestion of other foods. Your good bacteria make up roughly 70%  of your immune system and they produce your serotonin (makes you feel happy).

2-Fermenting makes it easier to digest! You know mamma bird chew, partially digest foods and feed them to their young? Think of fermentation as a way less gross form of that. Fermented foods are partially digested making them much easier to digest and utilize in your own body. When your digestive system has to put less energy and effort into the digestive process, it can use more energy toward utilizing those nutrients for your body’s health! It’s like adding premium fuel into a gas tank, the best of the best.

3-Fermenting changes the structures of foods, make them Good for you! Case in point: Soy. Unless it’s in it’s fermented state, soy is inflammatory, one of the top 8 food allergens, and acts as an extra estrogen in our bodies much like plastic. Miso and Tempeh are the fermented forms of soy that are actually great for you. Fermenting changes the molecular structure of the soy making it easy to digest and utilize. Fermented soy is eaten in many other countries on a regular basis, which is where all the “Soy is good for you” thinking stems from. Even some people who have gluten intolerance can tolerate Sour Dough bread, because it is a fermented food. Now it’s still a bread product, but it’s much easier on your system if you are going to partake.

Fermented Foods to add to your diet:

1. Kombucha
A fizzy, fermented black tea that’s no stranger to New Yorkers, kombucha gives you a bang for your bacterial buck because of the variety of microorganisms it contains. When you drink a bottle of kombucha, you’re drinking four to seven microorganisms all at once, building a really strong gut.

2. Sauerkraut
Turns out you should put sauerkraut, AKA fermented cabbage, on way more than your tofu dogs. It has a powerful impact on brain health, including depression and anxiety. There’s a tremendous connection between gut and brain health.

3. Pickles
Pickles are the gateway ferment. Not only do they provide a healthy dose of probiotics, they’re a familiar food item and have a taste that many people already love—including those who may hold their nose at the idea of eating fermented foods.

4. Coconut Yogurt
Kimberley Snyder, celebrity nutritionist and author of The Beauty Detox Foods, loves coconut yogurt, because it’s a delicious, dairy-free way to work plenty of enzymes and probiotics into your diet. Though Greek and regular yogurt are also fermented foods, Snyder is less enthusiastic about them. “Dairy is extremely acid-forming in the body and difficult to digest,” she explains.

5. Miso
Jeff Cox, author of The Essential Book of Fermentationloves miso for its nutritional profile. The paste made from fermented soybeans and grains is “full of essential minerals, like potassium, and consists of millions of microorganisms giving us strength and stamina,” he says. To make miso soup, just add a dollop to boiling water, along with some favorite vegetables, like onions, bok choy, or mushrooms.

6. Tempeh
Tempeh (fermented soybeans) is a complete protein with all of the amino acids, says Cox. He suggests using it as a yummy substitute for bacon in BLTs. Try flavoring organic tempeh with some tamari (also fermented), then add it to a sandwich with tomato, lettuce, and toast. Or eat it tossed in a bowl of steamed veggies.

7. Kimchi
Think of this spicy Korean dish—typically made from fermented cabbage—as a beauty food, as well as an energy-booster, says Snyder. It can help “enhance digestion and nutrient assimilation,” she explains. “You may also notice, with improved digestion, an improvement in the look of your skin.”






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Days 11+12 Finishing Strong


I’m finally finished with my detox! I’m feeling better overall and couldn’t be happier that the even though I had coffee the day after finishing my detox it wasn’t something I have needed to get me going at all, just something I wanted. More energy, clearer thinking welcome home! This was a great stepping stone for me to work on more goals I have for my own health this year. I’ve already become more routine in my supplement taking (day 3 of daily supplements already complete!) and working toward getting back to cleaner eating. Even though these things make sense in our minds, they are not always the easiest things to implement. Doing a detox is a way to start fresh in so many ways aside from cleaning up your health!

I wanted to follow up and discuss where some of the toxins that we accumulate come from in our daily lives. Most of us think “I eat good” or “I get plenty of exercise” but we are exposed to more and more toxins as we evolve into the future and it’s important to know that little things can add up in big ways!

1- Toxins come in our food: Think of “food” in a package for what it really is-processed chemical additive poison and garbage. Makes you want that bag of chips right? But think about it, processed foods are full of fillers and preservatives that don’t serve function in our body but can accumulate and cause damage. Genetically Modified Organisms( GMO’s) are major crops in this country including soy and corn. Produce is sprayed by chemicals and fertilizers which is why buying organic as much as possible has become so important. Meat sources are being pumped full of hormones and antibiotics for mass production which is why grass fed hormone free meat is the way to go.By eating whole real foods we are supporting optimal function within our bodies including daily detoxification. By limiting our toxic food intake we limit the amount of exposure and thus reduce the toxic load of our overall day.

2-Toxins are in the air: It should come to no surprise that the air we breathe has some pollutants in it. But if you commute to work or work in a chemically ridden plant your exposure has greatly increased. Adding chemical air fresheners might make things smell nice, but can really be contributing to your toxic load and slowly slowing down optimal function and metabolism. There are plenty of free resources available through the internet on making your own cleaning products using basic ingredients and essential oils. Essential oils are a great tool because they can help kill air born bacteria naturally and provide so many great functions. It’s important to get good quality oils because even plants that have been sprayed with pesticides and chemicals will transfer into the oils and you’ve defeated the whole purpose!

3-Your bath/body products: Your skin is your largest organ. It covers your entire body and it absorbs what you put on it. So your lotion, face moisturizers and body sprays can be contributing to your toxic load as well!! Switching to a natural deodorant cuts down on chemical and metal exposures. Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer in women, and is found in your antiperspirant ladies and gentleman! Our bodies were made to perspire as a natural detoxification process and when we clog the poor’s with chemicals to stop that process don’t you think some of that builds up into the tissue you’re applying it too? This goes for your soap, shampoos, lotions, face creams, serums, sunscreens ect. Please check out http://www.ewg.org to see how toxic the ingredients in your body/face products are! This is a great FREE resource.

This is a short list and the graphic below get’s a little more detailed but it opens your eyes to just how toxic our world has become. By taking as many steps as possible to decrease or minimize your daily toxic load you’re doing wonders for your health and possibly preventing illness or chronic ailments.

toxin sources

If you think you’ve been exposed to more toxins than average or your body is not clearing out these toxins like it should, please don’t hesitate to contact your nearest holistic doctor to get testing done for heavy metals, environmental toxin exposures and or food allergies and sensitivities. The beauty of being a doctor who focuses on natural methods of healing is being able to do the proper lab work to make the diagnosis correctly and then following up with lab testing again to make sure the problem has been fixed. Don’t play the guessing game when it comes to your health, there are plenty of good doctors out there willing to put in the effort to get you back on the road to health!


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Day 9+10- Finally the Poop talk!

best friendsI think I’ve waited long enough to talk about one of the most important topics we could discuss!! Now that you’ve all been hooked on reading my daily updates, it’s time to get into the really good stuff! A few things to keep in mind: 

1- Everybody poops. Get over it, deal with it, embrace it, and learn to love it.

2-Knowing the difference between what a good bowel movement is supposed to be and what unhealthy looks like could make a HUGE difference in your life. Period. Did you realize monitoring your bowel movements not only can tell you about how well your digestive system is functioning but also how your immune system is?? This is hands down one of the most important topics I could discuss with my patients because it’s something you can monitor ALL THE TIME. Way better than me sending out your blood and waiting for results. Think of it as a real time tissue sample.



1- Your poop shouldn’t smell! That’s right kids, if your stinking up your bathroom each time you go that means there is food rotting and fermenting in your system, and it also means you’re toxic. 

2-You should be going 1-3 times a day! You should be going to the bathroom for each meal you have. Think about that for a second. Your body is supposed to take in your food and process out the vitamins and nutrients necessary and get rid of the rest as waste. When you’re not passing waste (don’t think it’s just not in there-you ate!) you are re-absorbing waste products back into your body. 

3-Size, shape and color tell you so much! Every had bunny poops? you know hard dry pellets? That’s likely a sign of dehydration, your body sucked in all water possible including the waste water. Is your stool dark like coffee grounds?? This is likely a sign of some internal bleeding and you need to seek medical attention. Who knew you could learn so much about yourself! Please check out the graphic below- your average movement should look like #3 or 4. 



4-You sunk my battle ship!! Monitoring your poops can also tell you about proper fat processing in your body. If it floats-your passing a lot of fat (shouldn’t happen) which could mean you’re not able to digest fats or absorb them properly. You shouldn’t absorb all fat though, so take note that a good stool should float near the top for a second then sink. (Admit it you’re going to watch from now on-that’s a good thing!!) Poop that sinks quicker than the titanic is usually from constipation and again, improper digestion. 

One of the other very important reasons I did this detox was that I went from 3 good movements per day to 1 ok and sometimes not great movements in a day. Since beginning my detox I have regained normal bowel habits that I was previously used too. It’s very important to note that NO good detox will keep you in a bathroom all day. Some products labeled as detoxes are just a combination of stool softeners and laxatives-which is not the point of a detox. Yes you should be passing your bowels more often as you are kicking out waste-you don’t want it reabsorbed right? But you shouldn’t be unable to leave a bathroom either. That is the scariest question I ever get when asked about a detox “will I be in the bathroom all day?”. Products like that can cause dehydration and make you seriously sick!! Not to mention the colon isn’t the only place where detoxification happens so products that promise a “3 day detox” are not cleaning out more than your colon and poorly at that. 

This topic, while taboo to most, is one of my favorite topics because it tells me so much about your health. I ask pretty much all patients about this topic no matter what they are coming in for. In my office we focus a lot on diet and lifestyle changes because they make a HUGE impact on health and the fasted least invasive way to determine how well you digest, absorb and handle foods is by discussing this. It’s also the quickest way to notice changes or improvements in ones health. 

So the next time your doctor asks you about your bowel movements don’t hold anything back! Impress them with your knowledge even as most traditional practitioners don’t address this topic, especially with weight loss problems and auto immune disease. It is an opportunity for you to monitor your own health as well, so take advantage of the amazing body and system that was created for you and KNOW yourself better than anyone else! 

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Day 8-Feeling Great!


One of the most important reasons I felt I needed to do this cleanse was the onset of brain foggyness. Inability to concentrate, feeling like the thoughts I had were not as clear as they could be and taking a long time to come to conclusions about things. Those are some of the things I was beginning to notice were happening more and more often. I didn’t notice it at first, it was a slow onset but that’s how it sneaks up on you. Small changes until you realize you’re in the midst of a full blown fog. I know all about brain fog and the symptoms, but it’s hard to notice sometimes when you’re in the thick of things and not thinking about yourself.

By cleaning up my diet alone brain fog would go away, but I wanted to add the detox to really help solidify making better choices more important again. It’s easy to fall off the wagon and fall into a rut. I think it’s just as important to remember we’re all human and nobody is perfect. I can’t eat perfect no matter what I do these days, nobody can. Our food supply has changed so far from what it was always supposed to be that I don’t think we can get it back. Our meat has been pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, our soil is depleted of nutrients due to lack of crop rotation, GMO’s run rampant in stores. There is always a choice on has to make when it comes to eating. Nobody is perfect, and it’s not about perfection. It’s about knowing what you’re consuming and making the best possible choice within your means. That’s what people forget when they “fall off the wagon” or slip up on their diet. We all make mistakes, but it’s striving to be better that will make all the difference in your health and future. Sometimes I think if we don’t make mistakes, go through feeling like crap every once in a while, we sometimes don’t remember that our foods make a HUGE impact on our health and how we feel each and every day.

Make your choices count! It’s also not about eating better, but eating with awareness. I was never a huge fan of the “finish your plate” mentality that I grew up with because it didn’t make sense back then and it doesn’t now. Don’t force feed yourself. Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full…which means you need to eat slowly so you can tell the difference! Taste your food, feel the texture of it and most importantly ENJOY it! One of the greatest things a patient can tell me after we’ve changed their diet is “I’m really having fun with this”. Be creative, make things taste good, try new things! Eating healthy is an exploration into yourself just as much as it is into food.

I am again grateful for all of the amazing support throughout this detox. People pushing me to do my best, keeping me in check, and asking so many questions! Only 5 days left people…. when will you make a change in your life?

If not now, when will I? -Incubus

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Dr. Thomas H. Kerr, D.C., P.C.

Chiropractic Physician in Charlotte, NC

7 Quick Weight Loss Tips

Put these methods into action and start losing weight now


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