Posts Tagged technology

Day 7- Tricks to get you through!


I can’t believe it’s already day 7! Just 5 more days to go! Feeling more and more energy and less need/want for the coffee I have become so addicted too 🙂

I wanted to be able to touch on a topic most people don’t consider while starting a new regimen or doing a detox, and that’s using today’s technology to your advantage. Now, I realize during a detox I would like my patients (and I myself should also) to stay away from overstimulation via the computer/tv ect. Now, being realistic I understand that most of us will still have our phones and use a computer to work on…it’s not a perfect world by any means. But technology has come a long way and has allowed for so many great tools to help you reach your goals!!

I get a lot of the following excuses when trying to change someone’s diet/lifestyle from what they are used too:

“I can’t remember to take those supplements”

“It takes too much time to cook”

“I can’t keep track of my foods every day”

I’m here to debunk the excuses because they’re becoming less and less valid. Stop making excusing and start having fun with making positive changes!! Nobody said this had to be horrible…you decide how easy or difficult making changes will be. Here is a short list of apps I’ve tried and liked myself that have kept me on track with my own personal goals!!

1) Find Me Gluten Free ( FREE App!!) : able to locate via GPS location local and chain restaurants that offer gluten free menus. Will give you driving directions to the locations as well if you’re out of town/ on vacation. Check out them out online too at:

2) Lose It! or My Fit Pal(FREE apps): Both app’s offer you the ability to log each meal so that you can keep track of caloric intake for the day. They also have the feature to add your physical activity for the day making your weight loss goals more achievable. I know Lose It sends you badges of enragement when you meet milestones as it’s own way to encourage you along. Friends can join and you can help each other stay true to being their best self!

3) Free Pedometer: I work a part time job where I am on my feet and moving all the time, and one day I got curious about how much I was moving during my average 8 hour shift…around 5 miles on average people! And trust me it’s not a big store, and there are plenty of times I have to stand to help people ect. But I’m moving more than I’m not. The goal for most adults is 10,000 steps in a day…. so how much do you move? Keep track for a few days and see if you can’t incorporate more movement into your daily routine. Small changes make a BIG impact!!

4)Waterlogged (FREE App): Keep track of your daily water intake goals. Most people should be getting half their body weight in ounces daily, and most people are no where near that intake. Water intake doesn’t include coffee, tea, sodas or anything else “liquid”. It means just water as all of the other options serve as a diuretic to you and will further dehydrate you. Whether detoxing or not (reminder detoxification happens in your body every single day) you need adequate water intake to maintain proper bodily functions and get rid of waste and inflammation within your body quickly and easily.

5) Can’t sleep? Try a hypnosis app!! I have a free app with a hypnosis lecture about pretty much every imaginable subject. If you sleep alone this is easy, if you’re in a relationship earplugs would be more appropriate if your partner doesn’t need the white noise. Pick a topic that hits close to home for you and try it! You’d be surprised what sinks into your head when you’re not actively listening. I used this technique when I needed to study in graduate school as well.

6) Set reminders, mark dates on your calendar ect! With most people using some sort of tablet or smart phone these days it’s becoming easier for us to remind ourselves to do something. Set an alarm for every couple of hours to drink water/get up and move ect. Once the habit you’re trying to develop becomes a habit then set a new goal with new reminders. It’s time to embrace all the wonderful tools at our fingertips and stop playing games/getting distracted with it all the time!

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Dr. Thomas H. Kerr, D.C., P.C.

Chiropractic Physician in Charlotte, NC

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