Posts Tagged Diet

Thyroid Awareness Month! Part 2


     January is Thyroid Awareness Month and as I see more patients for consultations in my office, I am again not shocked at all the thyroid issues I see. Too many people are not being managed properly or being taken seriously by their GP or Endocrinologist when the continue to complain of thyroid symptoms despite “their labs looking perfect”…again to review what your lab values should reflect and what tests should be done reference Part 1 of Thyroid Awareness Month!

For those who have suffered for years without the proper nutritional and supplementation support, this is the article for you. Many times traditional medical doctors do not have the nutritional background to address these issues- that’s where I come in. In this article we will review some of the possible medications (there’s a time and place for everything including Medication!!), Dietary considerations for those suffering from Thyroid conditions, especially Auto-immune attacks, and lastly supplementation that effects the metabolism of your thyroid and possible medications you are on.


The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly…

For those of you who have had your thyroid removed…sadly medication is probably in store for you for life, but you CAN feel normal…and should for that matter, if you’re on the right medication and dosage! Too many women are on medications that are either not working properly (ie still have symptoms or not optimal labs) or are not on the right dose for their body’s metabolism. Mediation dosing for thyroid patients can be tricky, and can take a while to normalize because of all the other factors involved! If you don’t feel good on the medication you’re on…go back to your doctor and tell them so! This is one instance you have to be a HUGE advocate for your own well-being. (To see a great resource on things to ask your doctor ect, visit

The Good: Bio-identical and Natural Thyroid preparations! Armour, Nature-Thyroid and compounded natural desiccated thyroid preparations are actually the best option for most people and they don’t even know it! This is mainly due to the fact that so few doctors are willing to prescribe them, as they are not chock full of pharmaceutical preparations. These medications are a natural balance of T3 and T4 that is already found in your body. Doctors may tell you these are “hard to regulate” or “banned” and these statements are simply not true.

The Not so Good: T4 Only medications (see list above, Synthroid and it’s generics) The problem with these drugs is for one, they are synthetic compounds…your body and mine can’t always manage such synthetic products. Synthroid is the most commonly prescribed medication in the United States…and I have huge issues with that. Many people get put on this medications and still feel like crap…new’s flash your body isn’t metabolizing it!! Your body doesn’t just need T4 to make T3, it requires a whole list of other vitamins and minerals (we’re getting there don’t worry). My other beefs with Synthroid include the fact that they use Aluminium based food coloring (lake blue ect) in most if not all strengths of the medication, it is CONTRAINDIACTED to help with weight loss despite many patients reporting that is WHY they were put on it in the first place, it can cause further adrenal glad issues if this is the underlying cause of hypothyroidism itself, it causes bone de-mineralization (aka bone loss, aka osteoporosis-but wait they now make a drug for that too!), increases risk of cardiovascular disease, and are hard on the liver where a majority of the drug is processed. The laundry list of side effects and drug interactions is enough to make someone re-think this form of medication all together, but they don’t exactly provide all that info up front ( Many women with thyroid disorders become anemic, and develop high cholesterol, I’m not going to lie and say there’s no correlation between these meds and those issues.

T3 only medications: Cytomel is often used in conjunction with Synthroid if the patient isn’t “feeling well enough” on the Synthroid, so let’s artificially create what we already have, because we can do things better than nature (Hing Natural thyroid meds are already T4 and T3 in proper ratios). The side effects are similar, and basically the drug information states “once you begin this therapy, you’re on it for life as the rule”… sounds like good business for them in the long run. Much like T4 only synthetics, the “efficacy” is measured by TSH in the blood…not by how the patient feels, but what their one and only blood test says, which if you read Part 1 you know is total crap. If your body can’t metabolize this because say the liver is bogged down by Synthroid or because it’s synthetic and your body probably isn’t using it the way the lab intended…if your blood looks good then “you’re fine”.


Dietary Considerations

For those of you who are Hashimoto’s (remember it’s the leading cause for hypothyroidism and you SHOULD be tested for this) you need to look into treating your autoimmune disease(s) through diet. You need to cut out the foods feeding autoimmune disease, and too many people respond to the Autoimmune Paleo diet it can’t be ignored. If you’re not willing to go to this “extreme” then you should at least be tested for food allergies and sensitivities, as these feed your illness. Your immune system lives in your GUTs, so you need to heal these up if you want your body to heal as well.

Many foods contributing to autoimmune thyroid attacks include (but your doctor didn’t mention this) : Gluten and Soy. Not only do these foods contribute to autoimmune diseases, but they in fact help to shut down your poor functioning thyroid. Other foods that do this include RAW spinach, cabbage, broccoli and kale… rethink those green smoothies people!! If you’ve got an autoimmune issue, even cooking these veggies for a few minutes changes the game, because the enzymes change.

The following is a great easy to read website about Autoimmune Paleo or google AIP for more information. There are so many knowledgeable people out there now posting recipes and hosting blogs, you’re not alone, other’s have done these things and their quality of life has dramatically changed because of it!!


Supplementation Considerations

Iodine: Iodine is needed and necessary for proper thyroid hormone metabolism. Iodine deficiency can actually trigger hypothyroidism in the first place. Research has shown a more therapeutic dose between 10-50 mg is needed in those battling hypothyroidism, the RDA for iodine is only 150 mcg, which won’t get you where you need to go. This is where working with the right natural holistic physician comes in.

Vitamin D3: Yup, it’s really a hormone in your body, and as hormone production goes Vitamin D is needed to optimize hormone production throughout the body including your thyroid. Remember optimal blood levels range between 60-80 so getting this tested is crucial in the outcome of natural support.

Selenium: This is a crucial mineral that regulates T3 production, and many of us aren’t getting enough. Brazil nuts are a great food source, and you can get what’s needed by just 5-6 in a day if you wish to avoid swallowing another pill.

Zinc, Copper and Iron: These metals are needed in trace amounts for your healthy thyroid function. Low levels of zinc have been linked to low levels of TSH, whereas iron deficiency has been linked to decreased thyroid efficiency. Copper is also necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. It’s important for these to have good stomach acid production, so if you take any kind of antacid/suffer from GERD you’re at a higher risk of deficiency in these crucial minerals!

Omega-3 Fats: These essential fats, which are found in fish or fish oil, play an important role in thyroid function, and many help your cells become sensitive to thyroid hormone. I supplement patients only with Triglyceride forms of fish oil which is the most bio-available form!

Antioxidants and B Vitamins: The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E can help your body neutralize oxidative stress that may damage the thyroid. In addition, B vitamins help to manufacture thyroid hormone and play an important role in healthy thyroid function.

L-Tyrosine: This is an Amino Acid (found in protein sources and in supplements) which is crucial for thyroid hormone conversion as well. If you’re not getting good sources of protein in higher amounts, you may consider supplementing with this amino acid.

Adrenal Support: I think it’s important to keep in mind, if your thyroid isn’t functioning well, your adrenal glands try to step in an attempt to improve thyroid function. The bad part of this, so many have gone on so long without a proper diagnosis that these glands are not functioning to their optimum levels as well. Herbs such as ashwaghanda, rhodiola, and holy basil may be supportive enough. For other’s, glandular supplementation is needed to help re-start your system. B vitamins support the adrenal glands as well so they serve double duty here.

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Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Choices You Should Start Making Today!

Read the rest of this entry »

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Day 9+10- Finally the Poop talk!

best friendsI think I’ve waited long enough to talk about one of the most important topics we could discuss!! Now that you’ve all been hooked on reading my daily updates, it’s time to get into the really good stuff! A few things to keep in mind: 

1- Everybody poops. Get over it, deal with it, embrace it, and learn to love it.

2-Knowing the difference between what a good bowel movement is supposed to be and what unhealthy looks like could make a HUGE difference in your life. Period. Did you realize monitoring your bowel movements not only can tell you about how well your digestive system is functioning but also how your immune system is?? This is hands down one of the most important topics I could discuss with my patients because it’s something you can monitor ALL THE TIME. Way better than me sending out your blood and waiting for results. Think of it as a real time tissue sample.



1- Your poop shouldn’t smell! That’s right kids, if your stinking up your bathroom each time you go that means there is food rotting and fermenting in your system, and it also means you’re toxic. 

2-You should be going 1-3 times a day! You should be going to the bathroom for each meal you have. Think about that for a second. Your body is supposed to take in your food and process out the vitamins and nutrients necessary and get rid of the rest as waste. When you’re not passing waste (don’t think it’s just not in there-you ate!) you are re-absorbing waste products back into your body. 

3-Size, shape and color tell you so much! Every had bunny poops? you know hard dry pellets? That’s likely a sign of dehydration, your body sucked in all water possible including the waste water. Is your stool dark like coffee grounds?? This is likely a sign of some internal bleeding and you need to seek medical attention. Who knew you could learn so much about yourself! Please check out the graphic below- your average movement should look like #3 or 4. 



4-You sunk my battle ship!! Monitoring your poops can also tell you about proper fat processing in your body. If it floats-your passing a lot of fat (shouldn’t happen) which could mean you’re not able to digest fats or absorb them properly. You shouldn’t absorb all fat though, so take note that a good stool should float near the top for a second then sink. (Admit it you’re going to watch from now on-that’s a good thing!!) Poop that sinks quicker than the titanic is usually from constipation and again, improper digestion. 

One of the other very important reasons I did this detox was that I went from 3 good movements per day to 1 ok and sometimes not great movements in a day. Since beginning my detox I have regained normal bowel habits that I was previously used too. It’s very important to note that NO good detox will keep you in a bathroom all day. Some products labeled as detoxes are just a combination of stool softeners and laxatives-which is not the point of a detox. Yes you should be passing your bowels more often as you are kicking out waste-you don’t want it reabsorbed right? But you shouldn’t be unable to leave a bathroom either. That is the scariest question I ever get when asked about a detox “will I be in the bathroom all day?”. Products like that can cause dehydration and make you seriously sick!! Not to mention the colon isn’t the only place where detoxification happens so products that promise a “3 day detox” are not cleaning out more than your colon and poorly at that. 

This topic, while taboo to most, is one of my favorite topics because it tells me so much about your health. I ask pretty much all patients about this topic no matter what they are coming in for. In my office we focus a lot on diet and lifestyle changes because they make a HUGE impact on health and the fasted least invasive way to determine how well you digest, absorb and handle foods is by discussing this. It’s also the quickest way to notice changes or improvements in ones health. 

So the next time your doctor asks you about your bowel movements don’t hold anything back! Impress them with your knowledge even as most traditional practitioners don’t address this topic, especially with weight loss problems and auto immune disease. It is an opportunity for you to monitor your own health as well, so take advantage of the amazing body and system that was created for you and KNOW yourself better than anyone else! 

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Personalized Health Care at Tranquility Natural Medicine


Are you tired of feeling like your just a number to your doctor? Are you sick of being put on another drug that will mask your symptoms, but not address the cause of your ailments? Does your doctor LISTEN to you?? Or are you one of the many people who bought into a failed “health care system”. It’s time to take back your health. It’s time to learn how to be healthy and take care of yourself. Dr. Kalli Prater is dedicated about making your health yours again. With a focus on lifestyle and dietary changes Dr. Kalli offers the alternative to your regular physician. As a Holistic health practitioner, it is not only important to look at you as an ENTIRE being, but also to personalize your care to YOU. It’s how things should be done. Modern medical treatments are given based on the “average” american ( who came up with that idea) and not YOU as an individual.

Please call 630-762-9864 to schedule an appointment or request a FREE 15 minute consultation with Dr. Kalli and learn what we can start doing to get you back to health, because you shouldn’t have to suffer any longer. 

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You don’t get Cancer overnight…



It’s true, you don’t just wake up one morning with Cancer. You also don’t wake up one morning and “out of the blue” gain 20+ pounds, have arthritis, diabetes type 2, leaky gut syndrome… and the list goes on. These conditions take months, years, even decades to develop to the point where you are aware of the signs and symptoms. But how did you develop these things? We do something small each day that effects how our body functions for the rest of our lives… and that is eating, exercising and drinking water. You become what you eat, literally. Your cells use your food to run the show- ie provide you with energy, keep your blood pumping, and yes, help you to think. It is important now more than ever to consume REAL foods and not packaged “goods”. Rule of thumb- if it has an expiration date years away, came in a box or can, didn’t walk/swim/fly or grow on this earth… it isn’t really food. Yes friends, that means even cheese (sigh I still have a love for it) isn’t food- it’s a product. Someone had to produce it. We need to limit our consumption of products and eat real foods again… or as your grandma would have known it as just plain food. Clean up your daily food intake and a shocking amount of your symptoms can go away. We need to support each other in making good choices every single day as we help each other prevent chronic disease effects and live fuller, happier, healthier lives for the future. 

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You are what you eat… and drink


You are what you eat… yup it really is that simple. Eating includes drinking in this case as well… so drop the sugary pro-inflammatory (aka pro-disease) drinks too please. Most people have the hardest time changing their diet. Note I didn’t say “going on a diet”. Healthy eating is a way of life… not something you do for a short period of time. Food is the fuel for our bodies. We need to stop and take a minute and examine what we are fueling up with and think about the effects what we consume will have down the road. When you know and realize that you are either feeding your body for proper function, or feeding disease processes, it isn’t as hard to make the right choices. It comes down to caring about yourself and making a conscience decision to be healthier. I’m not saying you have to be perfect, nobody is and you can’t be too hard on yourself when you make “less than desirable” choices, but at least make it a conscience one.

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